Our Services

Catelyn Schnell
Catelyn was born right here in Kelso-Longview to a large family. Catelyn is a total social butterfly and a little bit country. With her natural outgoing and lovable personality, she always had jobs that allowed her to work with people and be of service to them.
Catelyn graduated cosmetology school in 2007 at the Academy of Hair Design. After working and perfecting her techniques, she heard instructions from God and followed him to a new path: Catelyn’s Place Salon and Day Spa. Although hesitant, Catelyn started after it. Catelyn’s humble beginning was filled with work, working two jobs to make the dream happen. With only enough money to buy one bag of wax at a time, her future began. As time went on, she moved to a new location at a Women’s Health Clinic. Four years later, God pushed again. This time, something even more grand. July 14th 2018, God’s blessing came to fruition and Catelyn’s Place Salon and Day Spa opened right here, in Catelyn’s Home Town. This Journey, the people along the way and the service to others fills Catelyn’s life and soul every day. As Catelyn Says: "Thank God for these blessings, and by his grace will you find your peace."

Samantha Williamdyke

Samantha, or Sam as she likes to be called, was born and raised in California, and moved to the Pacific Northwest in 2008. A mother of 2, Sam is very passionate about helping others and living life to the fullest. She is the smiling face you see when you walk in, and the friendly voice you hear on the phone! A lover of football, she is reliable, hard-working, and eager to pursue her passion for beauty and self-care.
Ruth Mather

Ruth has many talents. Amazing at fashion colors and trending hairstyles. Our clients know Ruth is on the cutting edge of what looks best. From hot shaves and barbering to lash extensions, Ruth is a multi-talented wonder. She is all personality with major skills to back her up.
Alisha Long

Alisha is a well loved Kelso local that has been a passionate member of the hair industry for many years! She's even been called to teach her precise barbering style to those looking to enter the industry. Get a haircut from Alisha and people will notice. People love Alisha's gentle touch and welcoming vibe.
Customer Care
Dawna Childers

Dawna comes in part-time to be the smiling face you see when you enter and the smiling voice you hear on the phone! If there was an Olympics in customer care, she would have more gold medals than Simone. Mother to 6, Dawna is reliable, hard-working, and keeps track of all of the operations inside of our four walls.